Coloured Concrete: Three Central Guidelines for Reducing Variations

If you are preparing for concrete construction, you should think about incorporating colour into your structure. In general, concrete is a practical and functional material with exceptional strength and durability. However, its plain appearance can be off-putting. Therefore, if you would like a surface with more decorative value, you should opt for coloured concrete. The addition of a pigment will create a vibrant appeal, and the cost of this process is minimal. If you are interested in installing coloured concrete, use these simple tips to promote consistency.

Choose Your Approach

The colouring method used will influence the appearance and consistency of the concrete surface. So, you should compare the approaches and choose the most appropriate for your needs. There are two primary techniques to consider: mixing and dusting. Mixing involves putting the pigments into the concrete before pouring.

This process ensures that the colour is distributed quite uniformly in the concrete. If the concrete is damaged or worn, the appearance will not decline too much. Dusting involves applying a colour on top of poured concrete. The final results can be good, but the consistency will decline as the upper surface wears out over time.

Think About Preparation

Variations can occur on your coloured concrete due to poor preparation of the building material. If different batches of the concrete are not made in the exact same manner, there will be significant inconsistency. Therefore, it is important to plan for the formulation of your concrete or a colour hardener to ensure that all areas look alike.

In general, you must ensure that the same quality materials are acquired. Do not substitute your pigments for cheaper products or replace with other brands. Colour differences might not seem obvious at first, but the variation will be apparent when the concrete cures. Also, it is advisable to have clear guidelines on concrete, pigment and water ratios.

Plan for Proper Curing

Differences in the curing process might lead to variations in the appearance of your coloured concrete surface. Therefore, you must ensure that the same procedures are used in the whole structure. The primary key for achieving the right results is controlling the rate of moisture loss from the concrete. It is advisable to provide sufficient and consistent moisture during the curing process. Also, monitor the shading over the concrete, and ensure that the surfaces are protected from extreme weather conditions.

Building a perfect coloured concrete structure can be a daunting undertaking. Therefore, consult a qualified contractor for your construction project for a durable and appealing surface. 
