Two Reasons to Have Your Garden Edging Made With Professionally Poured Concrete

If your garden has any trees, flowerbeds, shrub beds or paths that you would like to define and separate from adjacent features, then adding edging around them is the best way to achieve this. Whilst you can use many different kinds of materials to create edging, it is often best to find a contractor who offers concrete services and have this professional make the edging with poured concrete. Read on to learn why.

Professionally poured concrete edging will simplify your garden maintenance routine

Using the concrete services of a contractor in this situation could make the process of maintaining your garden in the future far easier. If the concrete used to make this structure is prepared correctly and is applied to the ground with great care, the resultant edging will serve as a much more effective barrier than brick or wooden edging.

This is because properly poured concrete will form a smooth and solid structure that will not have any cracks or openings in it that weeds would be able to grow through. This is not true of bricks, as weeds can pass through the mortar which holds them together as this mortar ages and crumbles, or wooden edging, which can easily develop fine cracks that can also be large enough for unwanted seedlings to fit into. This is important as, in addition to visually defining certain areas of a garden, edging is also put in place to protect the shrubbery and flowers that it surrounds from weeds that might be growing on the other side of it. These weeds could drain the soil in these garden beds of its nutrients and, in doing so, deprive the shrubs and flowers of the minerals that they need.

In short, the use of this service should simplify the experience of taking care of these areas of the garden, as you won't have to continually be on the lookout for and have to remove weeds from around the edging in order to keep the nearby plants alive.

Concrete edging that is poured with care will last longer than most other types of edging

A perfectly prepared batch of concrete that a contractor pours carefully, in the right conditions (i.e., on a dry day, to ensure that the fresh concrete doesn't get diluted and weakened by rainwater) could last for years longer than edging made out of brick or wood.

Whilst wooden edging is cheap and can be fitted by anyone, it is quite fragile, and its lifespan can be shortened by any number of things, including the dampness of the soil on which it is placed or exposure to very strong winds. Likewise, whilst bricks tend to be sturdier than wood, the mortar that binds them together can crumble or crack over time and cause the bricks themselves to then shift, which can then make the edging unstable. A single, solid block of professionally poured concrete is just as strong as brick, and its strength or stability will not be compromised by mortar, as it does not need to be bound with this material.
